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¹If there is a large amount of foreign mail, then the pricing will be higher than the quoted amount.
²We strongly recommend NCOA file processing, as it reduces the number of undeliverable mail by updating the mail file to the most current USPS address (and “forwards” it on to the most recent address if known by the post office). NCOA also provides the opportunity for faster product/service marketing through accurate mail delivery. If it’s decided to NOT have us run the mail file through NCOA, then we must include an ancillary service endorsement on the envelope in order to achieve the discounted postage rates. Please note: A higher number of undeliverable letters (usually 2%-3%) from the USPS may be received if not using NCOA (the amount returned is based on the accuracy of the mail file and or the ancillary endorsement used). For instance, it’s more likely to see more returns using the “Return Service Requested” endorsement, but that option is most common if you are not internally allowed to “forward” mail without first discussing with the accountholder. Click below for more information regarding NCOA and ASE options.