As summer quickly approaches, we thought focusing on immediate opportunities would be most beneficial for this edition of Stellar Insights. It’s common this time of year to analyze “where we are” versus “where we want to be” and make any necessary adjustments to ensure success by year’s end. We are hopeful the information in this newsletter will assist you in making these critical mid-year adjustments. First, we are happy to announce the successful launch of SALrefi.com in support of our Stellar Auto Loans program. We made the decision late last year to expand our support for our auto lending clients by launching our own branded website.
Now that we are several months into utilizing search marketing for our site, it has become abundantly clear how useful it can be when successfully managed.
Second, we focus on the huge opportunity facing institutions in regard to growing their auto loan portfolios. As strong believers in optimizing “direct” versus “indirect” loan growth, we discuss how interest income drives this opportunity for community financial institutions. And just as important, if you can directly help a prospect save money and become the face of that savings (instead of the dealership) your chance to cement longer-term relationships is greatly improved.
Third, we revisit our Q&A about deposit market share growth based on reader requests. In most parts of the country, loan-to-deposit ratios have continued to grow to historic levels. If your institution is striving to get this critical ratio back to a more acceptable level, this Q&A should prove useful to you. One recommendation is to strategically deal with market disruptions due to mergers and acquisitions. Your institution can realize a very attractive ROI when primed and prepared.
And a big thank you to Dick Miller from JMFA for contributing his insights on regulatory issues affecting overdraft fee income.
Here’s to a very successful second half of 2019!
Craig Simmers
Founder of Stellar Strategic Group