In this edition of Stellar Insights, we discuss a wide range of issues and topics. The decision to touch on specific topics is based on what is important to the financial industry this time of year.
We now have over six months under our belts in 2017, and it’s time to start serious consideration to what is working this year, and what will be crucial to success in 2018. For many of you, the conversation regarding strategic planning for 2018 has already started. Therefore, our goal is to report on several issues in an attempt to share relevant information for your internal discussions. Hopefully, we’ve guessed correctly.
However, if we have not guessed correctly, we welcome your ideas on topics for our Readers’ Choice feature. This section will be based on questions and/or subjects our readers want us to address. No selling, just the sharing of information!
Stay tuned for more valuable insights (with updated 2017 data and statistics) to help you plan for next year in our fall newsletter.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer!
Craig Simmers